Principal's Message
My name is Dr. Pauline Garcia. I am extremely honored and humbled to serve as the Director of Adult Education for the Perris Union High School District (PUHSD). I have worked for the PUHSD for 25 years assisting our students, staff and community. I have served as a high school Counselor at a comprehensive and continuation school, a Student Assistant Program Coordinator, an Assistant Principal at two comprehensive high schools, Principal of Alternative education, director of Pupil Services, and currently Director of Adult Education for the district. Now as Director of Adult Education, I assist our adult students in achieving their educational goals.
We are a learning organization in pursuit of fostering student social, emotional and academic development with a college and career focus. We began the accreditation process during the 2018-2019 and received WASC accreditation in April 2019. Our next WASC visit is scheduled for April 22-24, 2024.
Our mission is to create high quality relevant learning opportunities for all in a safe and caring environment. We will develop a high quality, caring staff who will be dedicated to learning, and connect students to their education and potential goals. We will care for all students while developing a growth mindset through collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking.
PCAS is a growing school offering courses for high school diploma (HSD), a General Education Development (GED) program, and Allied Health. Our courses are offered at two locations in the district to increase accessibility and convenience. We offer English As a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship in collaboration with Mr. San Jacinto College (MSJC). We offer classes at the Perris Community Adult School and at Perris High School. We offer morning, afternoon and evening classes.
PCAS has an amazing group of staff and students with amazing stories. We are incredibly proud of the accomplishments our students, staff and school have achieved. We strive to provide opportunities, support and a belief that they can accomplish their dreams. As we continue to focus on practices that improve adult learners' success, we will encourage our students and staff to embrace our guiding principle; “With Hard Work, an Optimistic attitude, Perseverance and Effort, anything is possible! - H.O.P.E”
We hope you continue to stay connected with us to keep up to date with our student and school offerings and successes. I encourage you to follow us on Twitter@PerrisCommunityAdultSchool and like us on Facebook.com/Perris Community Adult School. Your support of our school is greatly appreciated.
With gratitude,
Pauline S. Garcia, Ed.D
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Joe Rodriguez has been part of our Perris High School family since 2006. He started his journey as a science teacher and then became an ASB Director for 10 years. For the last 3 years, he has been a school counselor.